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Used rightly to gain flexibility, stretching is less simple than it seems. Here is an overview to guide you. First of all, you have to make the difference between stretching, for example after a sports activity, and stretching, which is an activity in its own right. The objectives are different and therefore the methods used also.

The stretches practiced during the warm-up at the beginning of the session are intended to prepare the body for the effort; at the end of the session they must allow a better recovery to fight against aches and to return to calm. Flexibility is not the goal, as stretching requires special sessions.

Where does the flexibility come from?

At birth everyone is flexible, and it is enough to observe the infants to notice it. So where do we get these stiffnesses so cumbersome in adulthood? To understand it we must analyze the parameters influencing the flexibility. The 2 main ones are:

The articular structure: it is easy to see that all the joints are not equal: the shoulder is mobile in all degrees, the elbow much less.
Muscle mass: it directly limits the flexibility by reducing the amplitudes.
Several factors concern these two parameters (joint capsules and structural tissues for the joint, tendons, fascias etc for the muscles) but let's go to the essential: how to be flexible and to remain it!

What to do and how?

Let things be clear: you have to use your body. It is our current way of life in the modern society which clogs us by our physical inactivity and the multiple bad positions adopted day by day for years: the flexibility is lost little by little! Certain genetic factors (at the level of the tendons mainly) will allow some to maintain a greater flexibility but if this is not your case (and often even the naturally very flexible people are not of everywhere), the stretching is your best ally.

The best stretching methods for flexibility are passive postures and contract-relax-stretch (CRE or active-passive stretching).

A passive posture is a slow elongation, specific on a joint stiffness area where the search for amplitude is important, not to say maximum, in order to solicit the elements ensuring the passive maintenance of the joint. You must take the desired position and keep it for 2 to 10 minutes. Repeat the stretch 1 to 3 times before moving on to the next.

The CRE is as its name suggests, the combination of active stretching followed by intense muscle contraction (10 to 15 seconds in static in the stretching position), then a looseness chained with again the stretching (held about 20 seconds). This technique aims to take advantage of the temporary relaxation of the muscle following the contraction to gain amplitude during the 2nd phase of stretching.

Stretching Exercises
1) The CRE, due to the requested contraction, is better adapted for localized exercises.

Stretching of the quadriceps (front of the thigh)
Instructions: place the pelvis retroversion (bottom of the flat back). Placing your hand on the shin or foot (watch out for those with stiff ankles). When contraction, force with your shin on the hand as to extend the leg; resist with the hand.

Stretching hamstrings ischios (back of the thigh)
Instructions: grasp the leg stretched between the back of the knee and the foot according to its flexibility. During the contraction, force to bring the leg back to the ground by resisting with the hands.

Calf stretches
Instructions: according to the flexibility to lean more or less on the front while always keeping the heel of the leg stretched on the ground. When contraction, put the intention to take off the heel (without doing it) and push against the wall.

Quadriceps stretches - Calf stretches - Back stretches

Ischio hamstrings - Tricep stretching

Stretching shoulders and pecs
Instructions: sitting position on the ground. Bring the arms back, stretched and parallel, as far as possible. During contraction, press with your hands on the floor.

You can also do the exercise by staying straight and standing at a bar behind you. In this case, always keep the rib cage open, taking palms of hands against the bar (supine). During the contraction put the intention to push on the bar.

Tricep stretches
Instructions: The stretch can be done standing or sitting as in the photos. Keep the shoulder low. During the contraction, push your elbow outward, fight with the hand placed at the elbow.

Stretches of the back
Instructions: Stretching can be done on any support (door frame...

Stretches of the back
Instructions: the stretch can be done on any support (door frame, chair, table ...). Be careful not to over-arch your lower back. When contraction, put the intention to push the support with both hands (as when pulling at the high pulley).

2) Passive postures, on the other hand, are quite adapted to the stretching of the muscular chains as a whole. It saves time and is very effective because the body was not designed to work in a localized way. Always pay attention to the respect of different balances, and just like muscular work the work of flexibility is no exception.

Opting for priority (like this term does not remind you one of the principles of the training program ...) for your less flexible muscle chains. Generally it is the posterior chain as a whole but especially ischios and spine (lumbar to cervical). Shoulders are also often stiff on some axes and especially during the retropulsion (up arm to the horizontal backwards) although this is not a problem in everyday life ... but given your life of sporty you should not miss to notice the inconvenience.

The most important during a stretch in passive posture and to be totally relaxed and relaxed in order to avoid the myotatic reflex, reflex of the muscle following a variation of fast length. So never suddenly during stretches not to contract the muscle, and to stimulate conversely the inverse myotatic reflex, sensitive tendon tension and relaxes the excited muscle. This is why we gain amplitude over the seconds during passive postures.

Stretching of the posterior chain
Instructions: Flex toes (stretched towards you to stretch the calves), legs extended but knees not locked. Depending on your flexibility just put your hands between the legs while sitting on a low support as a step.

Shoulder and chest stretches - Stretching of the glutes and lower back

Stretching the psoas - Stretching posterior chain

Stretches of the anterior chain
Instructions: feet and knees on the ground, place the basin in retroversion and let go back. Place your hands more or less far behind you, depending on your shoulder flexibility. Attention for fragile people knees (high tension).

Stretches of the glutes and the lower back
Instructions: always keep both shoulders in contact with the ground. Palms of hands against the ground to stretch the biceps, hands outstretched fingers to the ceiling to stretch the forearms. For the more flexible perform the exercise legs outstretched.

Stretching the psoas
Very important for a good pelvic position without excessive arching. Instructions: possibility to put the back knee on the ground. Keep the right bust and chest out.

The frequency of stretching sessions
It all depends on your sport goals. Flexibility can be the mainstay of your workout, as well as increased endurance, increased muscle volume or weight loss. It's up to you to set your priority and dedicate the appropriate time during your training.

It is quite possible to be good everywhere but do not expect to excel in all areas. For you to see, but whatever your approach you have every interest in using stretching, better flexibility is a guarantee of body balance.

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