The shoulders are important muscles for the structure of the upper body because it is they who, with the dorsal, give this flaring effect, this form "V". The shoulders are considered as a large muscle group, because they are composed of several bundles and we must neglect none to achieve good muscle development. Basic exercises and isolation exercises are all important for strengthening the shoulders.
The shoulder consists of 3 bones (clavicle, scapula and humerus) and 3 muscles (anterior, posterior and middle). The famous rotator cuff is the set of tendons that form a capsule above the head of the humerus.
The anterior bundle is located in front of the shoulder, near the small breastplate. Its role is to bring the arm forward (antepulsion). It is a portion of the muscle that is rarely late in bodybuilding practitioners because it is very busy during the bench press, where it is very recruited with the pectoral muscle. It is therefore not necessary to impose a lot of specific work for this part of the shoulder. However, people who have narrow clavicles have a better interest in lingering on the front of the shoulder, since its development will give more volume to the shoulder as a whole.
Front elevations to dumbbells, low pulley, elastics or bar
Front elevations are primarily a finishing exercise. However, the narrow-shouldered people will reap great benefits from this exercise. It can be performed with dumbbells, low pulley and even with elastics.
The developed Arnold dumbbell
Be sure to rotate the dumbbells during the climb, but also during the descent for maximum recruitment.
The back of the shoulder, unlike the anterior portion, is often an underdeveloped part, even though it is involved in most exercises that stimulate the backbone. It is quite difficult to isolate, trapezius and rhomboid involved in all exercises. The difficulty is to find the ideal angle to isolate the back of the shoulder and avoid excessive recruitment of agonist muscles. It is therefore necessary to work with rather light loads and to control well the execution of the exercises, which are all movements of isolation. Also, make sure the arms rise slightly above the shoulder line during the entire movement. The lower the elbows, the more the backbones will take over.
The birds at the dumbbells facing the inclined bench
To properly recruit the back of the shoulder, be sure to keep your arms slightly above your shoulder line.
The back shoulder machine
This machine is perfectly studied to target the posterior deltoid. However, be sure to adjust your seat so that your arms are slightly above your shoulder line. Also, there is no need to go too far back, stop when your arms are in the stretch of your back.
The bird with the high pulley,
To get the best benefits from this exercise, slow down the eccentric phase and do not go too far back into the concentric phase.
The rowing chin to the high pulley (rope)
This exercise solicits the back shoulder and trapezes. It is particularly interesting in a super set.
The dumbbell rowing or straight bar, elbows open
Rowing elbows open shoulders
Although this exercise also requires the back and trapeziums, the posterior deltoids are extremely well solicited provided you open your elbows and raise the bar under the pecs.
The middle beam is the part of the shoulder that gives all the volume to the scapular girdle. It is this portion of the shoulder that is most visible, especially from the front. It is recruited during basic exercises and during isolation exercises. During the execution of the movements, the main difficulty is to avoid too much trapeze recruitment. For this, do not mount the arms above the shoulder line during side elevations. Another difficulty, avoid damaging the sub-thorny during basic exercises such as military development. To avoid overexposing the sub-spinous, be careful not to lower the bar below the ears during the start phase and in the eccentric phase. Beyond this, the sub-spinous stretches and coils on the scapula, creating inflammation and rotator cuff lesions.
Side elevations to dumbbells or low pulley
Shoulder side elevations
Side elevations can be performed on dumbbells, low pulley and elastics. Do not stand up above the shoulder line.
The military development at the helm or dumbbells (standing up)
The military development is interesting because it does not need to lift large loads to be effective. Be careful not to lower your hands below the line of ears to avoid injury.
The developed sitting at the bar or dumbbells
Developed dumbbell shoulders asis
The developed is the basic exercise to strengthen the shoulders. Take care of each repetition: Do not go below the ears and have someone help you when lifting heavy loads.
Overall, one can muscle his shoulders with a basic exercise (poly articular) as developed (dumbbells, bar, military). Indeed, the developed solicit the entire shoulder and encourage a positive anabolism response, as all poly articular exercises. In all your shoulder workouts, it is imperative to integrate at least one basic exercise:
- The dumbbell
- The developed bar
- The developed standing at the bar
- The standing up at the dumbbells
After warming up, do at least 6 sets of developed. Then insert insulation drills that will recruit each beam separately. This rule is valid for the development of all muscle groups: one or two basic exercises that recruit the entire area, then insulation exercises that solicit a particular portion of the muscle.