Get back to the cardio!
The trend is functional, beautiful bodies but also useful, able to do everything. What good is having a nice body without engine! The best way to gain strength is the use of heavy loads, the best way to gain stamina is ... to endurance! It is enough to know some key points to mix these two objectives, in the week or in the session. Let's see this together!
Why do cardio?
The answer is in 5 letters: for the HEART! It is the engine of the human body, the one without whom nothing would be possible, and who works tirelessly day after day, throughout our life.
Because we must not lie, the work under the bars is primarily aimed at strengthening the muscles. Although it is possible to go on endurance exercises, this is not the case most of the time, and bodybuilding practitioners too often forget that a healthy heart must be strong and enduring . Strengthening cardiovascular work involves endurance exercises, also called "cardio".
The order of exercises
The work of the force is done mainly on nervous factors. The muscle is taught to contract more muscle fibers at the same time, including high threshold excitability fibers. This requires a lot of work of the nervous system and requires a great freshness of the body. One does not do a good job of force on a state of fatigue. On the contrary, the work of endurance is done over time, with muscle fibers at the threshold of low excitability.
So in the case of separate strength-endurance sessions, always place the strength sessions in the optimal shape state. For example after a day off, or a low cardio session.
If you decide to mix the types of work in the same session (which is very good because the general intensity of your sessions will skyrocket), it is wise to place the work of the force at the beginning of the session and then to pass endurance. Thus the nervous system is fresh and available for strength; and once the body is tired by the latter, the previous cardio exercises will be more easily on this state of length in time. We win on both sides.
HIIT Cardio
does cardio prevent it?
If you still believe in this old prejudice, think about the physics of rugby players, decathletes, basketball players new generations etc ... All these athletes perform endurance work and that does not stop them from being muscular. Why ? And quite simply because they practice bodybuilding as well. You see, nothing impossible!
Few of you dream of looking like Phil Heat or Ronnie Coleman (in this case, stop the cardio!) But 5000 kcal to eat daily, hours of melting each day and all the pharmacy that goes with it. ..), so let's stop with this stupid idea that the body can not be very muscular if you have a cardio activity. Muscle uptake requires a positive energy balance, so if you burn a few hundred more calories through cardio exercise, just compensate by eating more to be in the positive.
And do not forget that even slow fibers have the potential for hypertrophy. While it is less important than fast fibers, but it still exists. Of course, as always, let's stay in the realm of reasonableness. Do not do 5 sessions a week of 2 hours of cardio, with the goal of taking as much muscle as possible!
What kind of endurance effort?
Endurance, or cardio, it's fine, but how to do it? Two choices are available to you: the split and the endurance.
The fractional, alternating short and sustained efforts, is the most intense and therefore more difficult (whatever). Endurance, low intensity over longer periods, is easier, in any case access. To make it simple the best would be to do the 2 ... but for lack of time it is often necessary to choose. So the split to progress on his VMA, and the stamina to lose weight and have a bottom form.
In the end, we always come back to the same, whether in training as in nutrition, everything is a question of just measure. The excesses are never good, and it is better to broaden your vision to enjoy the best of each type of training. If your goal is to be healthy, good in your body and your head, then enjoy the many benefits of cardio; You have everything to gain.