Thigh Muscle-6 Exercises for Build Thigh Muscle

Thigh Muscle
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The training of the legs is trying, but it is important not to leave aside these muscle groups to obtain a well proportioned and balanced physique. The legs are home to the largest muscle groups in the body and are both strong and enduring. They are able to lift heavy loads, support long series and a large training volume.

Exercises for the thighs
  • Squat bar neck

The squat is a basic movement, which develops several muscle groups and improves the general strength. It stimulates the larger muscles of the body, requires a lot of energy and concentration. It is a useful exercise for the physical preparation of many sports that in addition to developing the lower limbs, solicits lung function and allows for better breathing.

Free squat training can be painful to the point of lifting your stomach, not to mention the aches and pains of the following days. At a certain level, this exercise requires a strong mind and motivation. Who wears a big smile on thighs and squats? Nobody ! Most bodybuilding exercises seem easy next to the squat, except perhaps the deadlift. This partly explains the fact that this exercise is shunned and substituted by more "easy" exercises.

Considered as the best exercise for the legs by many bodybuilders, it is still dangerous if you do not master the technique perfectly. The squat execution technique has nothing simple and will depend on morphologies. Similarly, the muscular masses involved may vary from one athlete to another. The taller practitioners will take everything in the lumbar, hamstring and gluteal, and small jigs in the quads!

Beginners can begin the squat at the guided bar before going to squat with free loads.

Muscles solicited
This bodybuilding exercise mainly involves the quadriceps, hamstrings (back of the thighs) and glutes. The calves, abdominals, adductors (entrecuisses) and erectors of the spine (lumbar and spinal) participate actively during the exercise.

  • Hack Squat

The slanted press or "hack-squat" is a good exercise for the lower limbs. It produces sensations very similar to that of the squat but without its disadvantages and allows to concentrate on the quadriceps without imposing too much stress on the back.

This makes it an interesting exercise for women who are often more fragile back or for people with low back pain. In addition, the load does not seem to crush the column as squat bar neck.

Unfortunately, few gyms have a squat hack and that's a shame because it is particularly effective for quadriceps and can work safely to failure.

Muscles solicited
This bodybuilding exercise mainly solicits the quadriceps and secondarily the glutes, hamstrings, adductors and calves. By bringing your knees and feet together, the exercise targets the vastus externa. By removing them, the adductors and the inner part of the thighs are more in demand.

  • Leg extension

Leg extensions on the quadriceps bench or "leg extension" is an insulating exercise for the front of the thighs. It is usually done after heavy work at the squat or thigh press, but can also be used to warm the thighs.

It allows to work in constant resistance and offers the possibility to target certain areas of the quadriceps just by changing the position of the feet. It is possible to perform the exercise one leg at a time, in unilateral, which can be interesting in case of unequal development of the quadriceps (asymmetry) or to intensify the muscular work.

Muscles solicited
This exercise of bodybuilding mainly solicits the quadriceps and secondarily the anterior tibialis. If you keep the ankles relaxed, the anterior tibia (muscle at the front of the tibia) will not interfere.

  • Machine-mounted adductors

This isolation exercise for the adductors, these muscles located inside the thigh, allows toning and shaping the thighs. The adductors are muscles that athletes can use in many disciplines, such as football when shooting from the inside of the foot or for roller skaters, riders, surfers or skiers.

This machine is particularly appreciated by women because it also helps to tone the muscles intimate. Men can of course exercise on them, but they generally prefer to move towards the squat with legs widely apart.

In general, it is not necessary to work specifically these muscles. On the other hand, if one has the lower thighs (vast internal and external) too developed compared to the upper part, a specific work of the interior of the thighs will be necessary to make up for this weakness and to harmonize the curve of the thighs.

Muscles solicited
This bodybuilding exercise mainly solicits adductors.

  • The inclined thigh press

You dream of having firm, muscular thighs or to gain a few centimeters of thigh circumference, then the thigh press will interest you. Did you know that the thighs and glutes are the largest muscle groups in the body? Yet, they are often neglected by bodybuilding practitioners in favor of more visible muscles such as abdominals or arms. It must also be said that exercises such as squat bar, thigh press or hack-squat are very demanding and require a lot of energy. But to strengthen your thighs and display a harmonious physique, you must tackle it with rigor and regularity.

The inclined thigh press is one of the best exercises to work the quadriceps. It is not as complete as the squat bar, but it will allow you to work with large, safe loads. It is an essential weight training exercise when you can not do squats. The thigh press position is important, but once you get used to doing the exercise well, it will become natural and you will end up enjoying this exercise.

Muscles solicited
This exercise of bodybuilding solicits mainly quadriceps (before thighs) and glutes (especially if you go down); secondarily the hamstrings (back of the thighs), adductors (inner thighs) and calves (soleus).

  • Squat on one leg

Here is one of my favorite exercises to effectively work the thighs in one-sided, without equipment, and without taking the head with heavy loads on the shoulders. Popularized by the famous Pavel Tsatsouline, the squat one leg or "Pistol squat" will delight you and surprise you.

Like all basic exercises for the lower body, one leg squat is rather demanding and energy-hungry. It tends to shorten and stun practitioners who lack endurance, especially in long runs with short rest periods, which is recommended for this "bodyweight" exercise.

The squat on one leg is an excellent exercise that should be included in the physical preparation of many athletes and athletes, whatever their discipline, but also in the arsenal of exercises of weight training of the practitioners whose objective is only the taking muscle volume. It helps to gain strength and develops athletic qualities: speed, balance and relaxation.

A good squat a leg is not done in a day! It will take some time to master and feel the exercise. At the beginning, we will use a support to facilitate the movement and to avoid a bad positioning. Indeed, the lack of flexibility and balance tend to generate harmful positions for the joints (see the tips below). Later, we can do the squat without standing.

The squat on one leg can be done anywhere, in the room or at home, and does not require material in its final version. A support for standing may be necessary in the early days, as well as a platform to elevate itself; this will greatly facilitate the task.

Muscles solicited
This exercise of bodybuilding solicits mainly the quadriceps (before thighs) and the glutes; secondly, the hamstrings (back of the thighs), the calves (soleus) and the lower back.

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